East York Massage and Physiotherapy Studio
Procedures and Protocols For Your Visit
Hot off the press! We are very excited to announce Effective May 26, 2020, physiotherapists gradually and carefully can begin providing all services, including non-essential services.
Physiotherapy will be available on Thursdays from 10am to 6pm. You can book online at www.eastyorktherapy.com or call 416.285.1777 to schedule an appointment. We are scheduling by appointment only right now and no walk-ins.
We want to let you know of the procedures and protocols involved with your appointment step by step for the prevention of Covid-19.
1) After you book you will get a call back to conduct the intake and go over the procedure of your visit. We ask that you complete Covid-19 screening forms and waivers as well as health history intakes via digital forms. These forms will be sent to you via email. Please return to info@eastyorktherapy.com. Trust me, you will prefer this. Talking in a mask is uncomfortable and HOT!!!!
2) Upon entering the studio, please visit our Welcome Station where we ask that you use the hand sanitizer or wash your hands in the washroom. Also, please wear your own mask into the studio. If you don't have a mask, we will provide you with one. Please put on a mask here. There are full instructions on the table for putting on and disposing of PPE.
2) Then proceed to your left where you can fill out Covid-19 Screening Forms, Waivers and Health History forms. This step is only for those unable to complete them digitally. Instructions on procedure for filling out forms are on the table. Please wait for your therapist to get you and hang tight in the waiting area.
3) After your visit, all frequently touched surfaces, treatment tables, head rests equipment will be sanitized. A log is kept with a FULL checklist for view upon request. If I left anything out it is because I don't want to bore you.
4) Please respect physical distancing of 2 meters. We have placed little daisies to help you :)
5) After your treatment is done please use the hand sanitizer provided in each room prior to touching the door handles. If you prefer hand washing, please use a hand towel to touch the door handle and wash your hands in the washroom. After washing your hands please use a hand towel to touch the door handle and place your hand towel in the bin outside the door.
6) We have even screwed on doors for our linens and towels to decrease any chance of contamination.
I know it's a lot, but remember we are in this together. We are overjoyed at being able to see you again and welcome newcomers!! Please note we may be sending newsletters more frequently than we like as this thing is changing day by day.